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Photo Gallery

Welcome friends, this page contains a video gallery of images I took during this third lockdown. Here you can follow the trans-dimensional journey of Detective Griswold, as he roams the (mostly) empty streets of a small sub-section of Crosby, and if you listen carefully at certain points, you can even hear eerily familiar noises from other universes.

Griswold's notes:

well, I've had quite the adventure today. I found myself wondering around Crosby... but it wasn't the Crosby I'd lived in all my life. No, this place seemed different... everywhere was either deserted or shut down. (say for the odd stranger here and there but I digress) It seemed very odd that there'd be almost no-one here, as usually these streets would have a little bit more life than this. Is everyone busy fighting another war? I wanted to know what the deal was, so I kept wondering around until I'd noticed a sign plastered on the floor that mentioned something about "Social Distancing," but it was when I'd read a helpful piece of paper on the window of an little, seemingly abandoned chippy that mentioned a "COVID-19" pandemic that it all started to clicked together. those freaky aliens that took the kid and his dog had blasted me into a universe that was 3 decades into the future! (as there was no news of a pandemic like this where I came from)


That being said however, I was curious. After all, I'd never seen Crosby this empty in broad day light before. so after I'd picked up a random mask (because I don't know what this "COVID" thing could do) I found laying on the ground I quickly continued walking around.


As I was going about my journey however, I thought I could hear 4 voices coming from the local café next to the Grim Graveyard. I tried to peek in through the window, and I swear I could see three talking animals (much like the ones in my universe), this weird little quadrat consisted of a big brown dog with a blue collar, a tiny red ant and strangest of all, a blue hedgehog with bright red shoes and a pair of white gloves. sitting next to the dog was a tall, lanky looking human being dressed like he's from the late 60's. (none of which I knew the names of) I was tempted to go in and ask what had happened, but I seemed to catch them at a bad time. so I left with haste before the strange patrons could even got a fleeting glimpse.


At this point, I decided it would be a good idea to simply keep going and try to find a way out of this strange nightmare world before I die of whatever a "Covid-19" is. I didn't see very much else of note, mostly that there were less cars passing by than what I was used to.


After a certain period however, I'd managed to end up passing a once bustling schoolyard where the kids used to play. It was here I decided to get rid of the mask by hanging it on a surprisingly strong bush that was growing on the brick-wall. Afterwards I happened to pass by a street where roadworks were being done, that was all well and good, except I noticed they seemed to be using a very strange tool to do the job.


it's tough to describe but this tool looked like it was cobbled together from whatever spare components some guy had laying around, even weirder was the fact this tool looked a lot like a gun with a screen attached to it. The strangest thing about all this was that the gun seemed to be able to summon things from mid-air! Much like the Cafe, I was tempted to see how that gun operated, but then I decided against it, so once again I dashed out of there before anyone saw me.


Luckily, one of the people had misfired their weapon, as a dimensional portal appeared right in front of me! I didn't want to waste this cosmic opportunity, so I immediately hopped into the portal and FINALLY went back to my proper dimension and time period.

Griswold Starts his journey.png
Street-za time dot Griswold.png
Windmill Episode 1_ Griswold's Big World
going home boys.png
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