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From Girlfriend To Super Hero

This particular post will detail how the character of "Lorange Waldo" went from being little more than a Lois Lane wannabe to becoming Super Sheep's adopted mother who also happens to be a super heroine. (that I've implied is currently dead because of current franchise plans)

You see, the reason Lorange existed originally was because I needed to fill the role of Lois Lane for the sake of doing a Super-Man parody but with "funny" talking animal characters instead, in fact, her name wasn't even Lorange back then, as I had a different much more blunt name in mind, that being "Sheep Lane" (oh, how "creative" of me):

and as if that wasn't bad enough, this was her design back then!

One particular oddity with this design (besides the apparent lack of sleeves and pants) is the fact that her eyes are actually separated. This is because she was created back when all the characters were going to have separated eyes, and not just the human characters either, I'm also talking about Super Sheep having separated eyes too as seen in this old picture I did:

The reason this image even exists is because I wanted to give Super Sheep a pose for the poster of one of my other "projects" (that being the dumpster fire that is Super Tomorrow 3D Land)

Speaking of Mario and Sonic's Adventures in Tomo... I mean Super Tomorrow 3D Land (honestly not sure which title sounds worse), while I was doing a few of the storyboards for it (because this and Matilda 64 somehow got as far as the storyboarding phase believe it or not), I was toying around with the idea of giving Super Sheep "Smurf Eyes" (which is essentially where he has one big eyeball with two pupils that somehow work independently from one another in a similar vein to The Smurfs and even Sonic The Hedgehog), but it wasn't until I'd gotten knee deep into the storyboards where I decided to change Super Sheep's design so that he'd have the more Smurf-like eyes he still has to this day (quite frankly, this design change ended up being one of the few good things that came out of Super Tomorrow 3D Land):

Old Design (for context, Super Sheep just said "oh what for reals man", which made the copywritten characters he's hanging out with angry because it'll date the movie once it comes out, which in and of itself is dated since this never saw the light of day in the end)
The Current Design (for context, Super Sheep is in a hurry for Casey Newton to leave so that she can go to school, so our hero speeds things along by totally not kidnapping her, I swear)

But enough about all that, let's get back to Lorange, who after this project failed would end up going through a little bit of a re-design where she would finally drop the whole news reporter gig in favour of becoming a super hero instead (since I felt it would be interesting if I took a little bit of inspiration from Wonder Woman, this change would cause the story to slowly move away from the story being a direct Super-Man parody):

yeah baby, the final desi... now wait just a minute something's off here

While the outfit hasn't changed very much since this drawing, there actually was one major difference between this Lorange and the current version, that being that she has more pronounced lips. Things would probably remain this way today, were it not for one particular video by TheMysteriousMrEnter about his top 11 worst clichés in animation (which does contain explicit language by the way, just saying) where he said ""Almost every character with lips that you draw will look better without lips." During an Animation club I was in during my post 16 years (which mainly turned out to be me drawing my various characters over and over again) this little tip inspired be to see whether or not this was true by drawing Lorange's face twice, once with lips and once with just a red mouth, I ended up liking the version without lips much more because now there was just as much room for exaggerated expressions on her face as there was for a lot of my other characters such as Super Sheep, The Night Pig and even Hugo The Shape-Shifter (although it is a little bit more work because her mouth's outline is red, but the results are worth it):


After this I would eventually have her go from being Super Sheep's girlfriend to being one of his adopted parents along with The Night Pig. The reason it's adoption and not birth is because if The Night Pig and Lorange actually DID conceive Super Sheep, he'd be some half-pig, half-sheep abomination that they would have... put out of his misery a long time ago.

Speaking of, you may have noticed a few small references to Lorange here and there (particularly in Convention F-3 and the video where I announce the cancellation of Hexo's Exos):

These references (as well as the ones that would have appeared in "Super Sheep in Hexo's Exos") are meant to imply that the character is currently dead at the moment and that The Night Pig in particular is still grieving over her death (because you know, lovers and all that), even with Hugo around because of events that potentially may not even happen in the end (if Lorange doesn't end up dead in the movies at some point I can always make these cartoons an alternate continuity)


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