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How A Random Sheep Toy Led To A Cavalcade Of Cartoon Characters

You're probably wondering what this title is referring to, it's referring to the fact that some of my earlier characters such as Super Sheep and Hex Moother were inspired by toys that I own as well as random bits of media such as the "Worms" series.

With Super Sheep, he was inspired by this blue Sheep toy I've had for about as long as I can remember, but I don't actually know who manufactured it because I've had it for so long and the information on the touch tag has long since faded away (so if anyone does know, please tell me):

It used to have a smile on it's face before I umm... removed it's mouth. Plus you can see where my character gets his blue and white colour scheme from

As to where the character of Super Sheep gets his name from... Well my brother actually came up with it one day (I believe it was while I was on holiday somewhere when I was really young), likely based on one of the special weapons from the "Worms" series of games, this would end up becoming a bit of a favourite toy of mine, and eventually, once I reached high school and started to get a bit more knee deep into wanting to make my own cartoons, I knew exactly who would make the perfect star:

Super Sheep! (although he didn't always look like this)

For the longest time, Super Sheep was more of a Mary Sue type character with an origin story stolen from Super-Man, because he more or less had every single power a Super Hero could ever have, I.E: flying, speed, strength, invisibility and so on. As you can imagine, having a super hero that could literally solve all his problems quickly and easily probably wouldn't make for a very interesting plot, so over time, he would end up receiving a whole bunch of nerfs to his abilities, so now he only has speed, strength, flight and laser vision. His origin story would also go through a few changes in order to make it less like Super-Man's, so now instead of Super Sheep being an alien that looks like a sheep who gets godlike powers after he shows up on earth, as of right now he's just a blue sheep that was rescued by Lorange and The Night Pig (more on them another time) as an artificial planet gets built in order to fly into space, blow up and kill the entire coloured sheep population (by this I mean their wool and hoofs are naturally colours that aren't black, white or brown) because then the humans wouldn't have to pay the sheep people as much money for their wool. As to where he gets his powers from, currently I have it planned that Super Sheep gets his powers after falling into a vat of a chemical called Chemical PLT-DVCE (Aka. Chemical Plot Device) with his friend (who would get turned into a Cow and become his nemesis "Hex Moother") and learnt to become a Super Hero with the help of Lorange and The Night Pig, who are his adopted parents. (as of the current version of the lore I have planned, it's all subject to change unless I depict it in a cartoon, comic, film, game or what have you)


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